Feed Mill Management Software
Feed Mill Management Software with Zone Wise Price, Transporter Management, Raw Material Purchase with Quality
Manager your Feeds Mills operations with full control. From Purchase to Sales and Manufacturing to Inventory, record everything with Corbis Soft Feeds Mills Management Software.

Features Overview
Some of the Features that are gonna blow your mind off
Purchase Contracts for Raw Materials
Purchase Contracts for Raw Materials. With Approval of these contracts the system will start operations
Integrated Quality Control
Integrated Quality Control with Lab Module. Inward Approval on the basis of Lab Results.
Batch wise Production which consumed Raw Material Automatically and update Finsihed Goods
Weigh Bridge Integration
Seamless Weigh Bridge Integration for Error Free Raw Material Arrival and Dispatches
Price Lists
Zone wise price lists with Date Control to facilitate Feed prices for different regions
Transporter Management
Transport Management with Contracts, Transporter freight contracts entry with Auto Posting at DO/Invoice
Multilevel Customer Profiles for Regions, Zone, Sector and Area wise management. Sales, Receivable Reports
Customer Incentives
Incentive to Customers can be maintained on the basis of Quantity, Percentage, Per Bag with Reports
Get started your digitalisation with Corbis Soft
Every features your needed to run your business under one platform, it's easy to start and fun to manage!